What is the worst Pokemon that no one wants to use?

What is the worst Pokemon that no one wants to use? 1

If to evaluate a strong Pokemon, surely everyone can easily choose the strongest group, and it is not difficult to point out the familiar names of this group.

However, to find a Pokemon that is the weakest form, not everyone can do it.

In fact, strong or weak Pokemon can be distinguished according to 5 main categories including strength, speed, ability to withstand attacks, skill table and finally characteristics.

What is the worst Pokemon that no one wants to use?

A typical example of the above examples is the Pelipper gull. Although its attack ability and speed are nothing special, its defense ability is quite good, plus it possesses the ability to create

In addition, of course there are some Pokemon that fall between the boundaries of the definition of `usable` and `useless`.

Of course, Pokemon that do not get any good points in the 5 points mentioned above are of course classified as bad.

What is the worst Pokemon that no one wants to use?

Bad group: This group can at least still do something, not to the point where it can be completely called `trash`.

Super bad group: This is a group of really bad Pokemon, there’s no hiding that they’re too shabby and useless at all.

What is the worst Pokemon that no one wants to use?

The worst group: 3 names that deserve to be in this group are Magikarp, Cosmoem and Cosmos.

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